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Chimera: Angel of Death

A Turn of the Century Tale of Evil and Beauty! Her name is Rei. Her code name: Chimera. The dark wasteland of the underworld is her home. People call her many things, but she is always known as an angel of death. Where Rei treads, she leaves nothing but death and grief. An expert marksman, a silent assassin, and more woman then meets the eye, but it will soon be exposed. Is this her fate for all eternity? To live in her own private hell of death and destruction. Where did she come from? How much longer can she continue to kill, searching for the key that will free her from her mysterious past, and her unknown future. With stunning animation and plot twists that will keep your head turning, Chimera is certain to be an instant hit!

Duration: 47 min

Censorship: No

Added: 22-01-2004

Release Year: 1997


Subt: -

Categorie(s): Bondage

Genre(s): Action


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