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Ikusa Otome Svia: vol. 1

The destruction of the world is drawing near. It all began with the betrayal of the deity Loki. Loki had joined army with the giants and the undead and lay siege to Asgard, where the gods live. The soldiers of Valhalla fall to his might, and he even succeeds in capturing Odin, the ruler of the gods. But Odin refuses to bow before Loki. Instead, he seals the stream at the root of Yggdrasil, planning to make it wither and die. He says to Loki, ""set me free, or be destroyed along with me." If Yggdrasil dies, so will the rest of the world. Loki is faced with a dilemma. However, there is a key that will undo Odin's seal on the stream. Two Valkyries who stubbornly continue to fight for Valhalla, Sigurd and SUVIA. The key to Odin's seal lies in their virgin, unspoiled wombs...

Duration: 27 min

Censorship: Yes

Added: 01-01-1971

Release Year: 2007


Subt: -

Categorie(s): Group

Genre(s): Adventure, Fantasy, Drama


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