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The Legend of Reyon

As an ancient rivalry brews in a land of magic and mystery, we find the clan Brastica, led by the evil Queen Flair and her loyal warrior Desleen, trying to destroy the peaceful city of Crossland, the capital of planet Reyon. Count Desleen, after years of being thwarted by Baron Jeek of Barenheim, creates a devious plot to trap and exact revenge upon the Baron. Under the guise of hosting the largest tournament ever seen, Desleen plans to gather together all the legendary warriors from all the far away lands, and destroy them. But as with all plans, there are always wildcards. Like the mysterious female warrior Nerise, who has been hunting Jeek for many years. Will she help Jeek or kill him? Will Desleen's servants from Hell drain her of all her strength and kill Jeek in the tournament? Can Jeek beat Desleen and his clan warriors and save Crossland from their evil plan? Find out in the exciting erotic fantasy, as this tale of good versus evil unfolds with outstanding animation and spectacular character designs.

Duration: 37 min

Censorship: No

Added: 01-01-1971

Release Year: 1996


Subt: -

Categorie(s): Straight

Genre(s): Adventure, Fantasy


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